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She raised $80,000…and didn’t do a fundraiser!

Today you are going to hear from Alexandra Squyres. We think her story is really inspirational!


Before she first did the World Race (one of the other Adventures in Missions programs involving traveling to 11 countries in 11 months) in July 2010, she worked with another support-based missions organization in the US. She then returned to the field as a Squad Leader for the World Race for another 5 months. When asked about her best fundraiser ever, she said, “I’ve never done a fundraiser.” She shares why below.

Garage Sale

Car Wash

Threads of Hope

Support Dinners

Selling your Artwork

Selling a Kidney (Illegal, who knew?)


All great ideas BUT I didn’t use any of them.


I worked Stateside with another Christian missions organization before I participated in the World Race in July of 2010. I learned the best way to raise money is to initiate face-to-face contact and to ask people directly to prayerfully consider supporting my work.


In the last three years I have raised over $80,000 toward missions efforts to which the Lord has called me.


This technique works!

Here’s the break down:


I got a list of 200 people.  These people ranged from my sister and uncle, to my dentist and my 8th grade history teacher.


I wrote two different letters to send to different people.


The first letter was to TELL the more distant people of my life what I was doing and how much I needed to raise. – These are typically the people that will write you a one-time check.


The second letter was an ASK letter:

I sent out this letter to about 75 people. In this letter I not only informed them of what I was doing and how much I needed to raise, but I also said that I would be calling them within two weeks to fill them in a little bit more.


My life was crazy busy with calling people and meeting one-on-one with them.


I now had 75 people to call, and set up a time with them to chat about the WR and what I was going out to do.


During my visits with people I had an outline of what I wanted to share with them.


1. I told them who Adventures is.

2. I told them what the World Race is.

3. I shared my heart and vision for why I wanted to go/felt God calling me.

4. I directly and specifically asked them to prayerfully consider supporting me at $50 or $100 a month.


Was it easy?


Was it uncomfortable at times?


Did it work?


We hope you feel encouraged by Alexandra’s story. Fundraising can be intimidating at times, but we know the Lord will show up. You’ve got this!